Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software version

– (fix) dashboard bar stats inaccurate when “all historical tickets” option on with “filter closed tickets” off (database tuning update so does not require database update)


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Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software version

– (enhancement) Send email facility now provides the ability to selectively choose ticket attachments to add to the email as an attachment. The ticket attachments are shown in a list (most recent first) on the attach button menu.

– (enhancement) currency symbol setting in Maintenance | Options | Time & Materials – used for time value display within the system

– (enhancement) Data Administrator role allows a user to be assigned either an Operator role or Administrator role but have the data maintenance give access to client and organisation maintenance.

– (compatibility) wired up client contact and client organisation csv import to the same as asset csv import; this makes it independent of odbc which is not available by default on Windows 7

– (extend) LDAP URL box has been changed to accommodate double the amount of LDAP url data. Previously the box would accept up to 32k of data, this has been doubled to 64k of data

– (fix) windows service was trying to generate emails for a few requests residing in the system but based on templates that had been deleted and repeatedly tried to do so; one first issue the attempt is suppressed

– (fix) issue clearing SLA from category

– (performance) system tray monitoring uses revised data access for obtaining and flagging sys tray notifications

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Getting Started with LiveReports

LiveReports is a Target Helpdesk Add-in for those who want to harness the power of creating customised reports tailored to specific requirements.

Whether you are interested in the last 5 requests submitted to the helpdesk, the most frequent client to your helpdesk this month or the top 10 longest outstanding requests in your helpdesk, LiveReports gives you the power to build your dashboard, for live data feedback.

If you do not already have a LiveReports licence, simply contact us for an evaluation licence key for the LiveReports designer. Any LiveReports you create during your evaluation can be kept simply by saving them when trialling the LiveReports designer.

Follow this guide to get started with LiveReports.
1. Login into Target Helpdesk

2. Open LiveReports (click on the toolbar icon or go to View | LiveReports from menu)

3. Click on the blue link “Create New LiveReport” in the bottom-left hand corner of the screen.

4. Click on “Advanced” in the top-right. This will show the raw SQL window at the bottom of the screen so you can enter the SQL query directly, should you wish.

5. You can build a report query by manually writing a sql query. Alternatively, you can build a query using the visual designer by dragging report views onto the designer canvas. You will see the designer parses the SQL and graphically displays the query.

6. You can click on the “Data” tab to preview results.

7. Click the blue “Save As” link. Enter a name and click “Save”.

8. Close the save confirmation box and then click the window [X] in the top-right to close the LiveReport designer.

9. You now have your report in the list of available LiveReports. Simply select it from the list and click “Add Grid” or “Add Chart”.

10. When viewing the data in the grid, you can click on “Toggle options” to Print/Email/Schedule/Export the data.

Here are some sample SQL queries to get you started that can be pasted directly into the Advanced “SQL Code” area.

Time log current month

SELECT view_ticket_list.ticket_id, view_ticket_list.title,
view_tm_audit.charged_by_name, view_tm_audit.time_spent,
view_tm_audit.time_spent_units_description, view_tm_audit.chargeable_rate,
view_tm_audit.datestamp, view_tm_audit.chargeable_rate_units_description,
view_tm_audit.rate_name, view_tm_audit.rate
FROM view_tm_audit INNER JOIN
view_ticket_list ON view_ticket_list.system_id = view_tm_audit.system_id AND
view_ticket_list.ticket_id = view_tm_audit.ticket_id
WHERE month(view_tm_audit.datestamp) = month(getdate()) AND
year(view_tm_audit.datestamp) = year(getdate())

Time value for this month

SELECT view_ticket_list.ticket_id, view_ticket_list.title,
view_ticket_list.requestor_name, view_ticket_list.time_spent_minutes,
view_ticket_list.time_spent_hours, view_ticket_list.time_spent_days,
view_ticket_list.time_value, view_ticket_list.materials_value,
FROM view_ticket_list
where month(view_ticket_list.datestamp) = month(getdate())

Tech/Org/Category analysis
SELECT view_tm_audit.ticket_id AS [Ticket Id], view_tm_audit.charged_by_name AS
Chargee, view_tm_audit.time_spent AS [Time Spent],
view_tm_audit.time_spent_units_description AS [Time Spent Units],
view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation AS Organisation,
view_ticket_list.category_subcategory_description AS Category
FROM view_tm_audit INNER JOIN
view_ticket_list ON view_ticket_list.system_id = view_tm_audit.system_id AND
view_ticket_list.ticket_id = view_tm_audit.ticket_id
WHERE month(view_tm_audit.datestamp) = month(getdate()) AND
year(view_tm_audit.datestamp) = year(getdate())

Service Level Agreements expiring next month
SELECT view_sla.sla_id, view_sla.reference, view_sla.expiry_datestamp,
view_sla.contract_cost, view_sla.contract_invoice_reference,
view_sla.start_datestamp, view_sla.on_hold
FROM view_sla
WHERE view_sla.on_hold = ‘false’ AND
view_sla.deleted = ‘false’ AND month(view_sla.expiry_datestamp) =
month(dateadd(m, 1, getdate()))
ORDER BY view_sla.expiry_datestamp

Service Level Agreement value
SELECT view_sla.sla_id, view_sla.reference, view_sla.expiry_datestamp,
view_sla.contract_cost, view_sla.contract_invoice_reference,
view_sla.start_datestamp, view_sla.on_hold
FROM view_sla
WHERE view_sla.on_hold = ‘false’ AND view_sla.deleted = ‘false’
ORDER BY view_sla.contract_cost DESC

Ticket/Time chart
SELECT view_tm_audit.ticket_id, view_ticket_list.title,
view_ticket_list.time_spent_hours, view_tm_audit.datestamp,
FROM view_tm_audit, view_ticket_list
WHERE view_ticket_list.ticket_id = view_tm_audit.ticket_id AND
view_ticket_list.time_spent_hours IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY view_ticket_list.title, view_tm_audit.datestamp DESC

Top 10 highest volumne companies raising requests this month
SELECT TOP 10 view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation AS
[Requestor Organisation], Count(*) AS [Total Tickets]
FROM view_ticket_list
WHERE ‘1 ‘ + datename(m, getdate()) + ‘ ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate()))) <=
view_ticket_list.datestamp AND view_ticket_list.datestamp <= getdate() AND
view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation <> ”
GROUP BY view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation
ORDER BY [Total Tickets] DESC

New/Updated/Closed tickets by organisation by status
SELECT ‘New’ AS Classification, Count(*) AS Total,
view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation AS Organisation,
view_ticket_list.status AS Status
FROM view_ticket_list
WHERE view_ticket_list.datestamp >= getdate() – 7
GROUP BY view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation, view_ticket_list.status
SELECT ‘Updated’ AS Classification, Count(*) AS Total,
view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation, view_ticket_list.status
FROM view_ticket_list
WHERE view_ticket_list.last_updated >= getdate() – 7 AND EXISTS(SELECT 1
FROM notes n
WHERE n.ticket_kb_id = view_ticket_list.ticket_id AND n.note_type = ‘ticket’
AND n.note_subtype IN (‘follow-up’, ’email-out’, ‘response_email’, ‘notes’))
GROUP BY view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation, view_ticket_list.status
SELECT ‘Closed’ AS Classification, Count(*) AS Total,
view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation, view_ticket_list.status
FROM view_ticket_list
WHERE view_ticket_list.closed_datestamp >= getdate() – 7
GROUP BY view_ticket_list.requestor_organisation, view_ticket_list.status

Service Level Agreement summary with ticket count breakdown for contract period, MTD, YTD, and Quarterly analysis
SELECT view_sla.sla_id AS [SLA #], view_sla.reference AS Reference, CASE
WHEN view_sla.on_hold = 1 THEN ‘On Hold’ ELSE ”
END AS [Contract On Hold?], view_sla.start_datestamp AS Started,
view_sla.expiry_datestamp AS Expires, (SELECT Count(*) FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id) AS
[Total Jobs For This Contract ID], (SELECT Count(*) FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id AND
view_sla.start_datestamp <= ticket.datestamp AND ticket.datestamp <=
view_sla.expiry_datestamp) AS [Total Jobs For Contract Period],
(SELECT Count(*) FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id AND
dateadd(m, -1, getdate()) <= ticket.datestamp AND ticket.datestamp <=
getdate()) AS [1 Month Rolling Jobs For Contract], (SELECT Count(*)
FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id AND
‘1 ‘ + datename(m, getdate()) + ‘ ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate()))) <=
ticket.datestamp) AS [MTD Jobs], (SELECT Count(*) FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id AND
‘1 Jan ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate()))) <= ticket.datestamp) AS [YTD Jobs],
(SELECT Count(*) FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id AND
‘1 Jan ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate()))) <= ticket.datestamp AND
ticket.datestamp <= dateadd(s, -1, ‘1 Apr ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate())))))
AS [Q1 Jobs], (SELECT Count(*) FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id AND
‘1 Apr ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate()))) <= ticket.datestamp AND
ticket.datestamp <= dateadd(s, -1, ‘1 July ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate())))))
AS [Q2 Jobs], (SELECT Count(*) FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id AND
‘1 July ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate()))) <= ticket.datestamp AND
ticket.datestamp <= dateadd(s, -1, ‘1 Oct ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate())))))
AS [Q3 Jobs], (SELECT Count(*) FROM ticket
WHERE ticket.deleted = 0 AND ticket.sla_id = view_sla.sla_id AND
‘1 Oct ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate()))) <= ticket.datestamp AND
ticket.datestamp <= dateadd(s, -1, ‘1 Jan ‘ + ltrim(str(year(getdate()) +
1)))) AS [Q4 Jobs], AS [Target %], view_sla.contract_cost AS
Cost, view_sla.contract_invoice_reference AS [Inv Ref],
view_sla.contract_invoice_datestamp AS [Inv Date],
view_sla.contract_sent_datestamp AS [Contract Sent],
view_sla.contract_received_datestamp AS [Contract Recvd Date],
view_sla.contract_processed_datestamp AS [Contract Processed Date],
view_sla.last_updated_by_name AS [Last update by],
view_sla.contract_invoiced_by_name AS [Invoiced by],
view_sla.contract_sent_by_name AS [Sent by],
view_sla.contract_received_by_name AS [Recvd by],
view_sla.contract_processed_by_name AS [Processed by]
FROM view_sla
WHERE view_sla.deleted = 0
ORDER BY view_sla.sla_id, view_sla.reference

Time sheet for month
SELECT view_ticket_list.ticket_id, view_ticket_list.title,
view_ticket_list.requestor_name, view_ticket_list.time_spent_minutes,
view_ticket_list.time_spent_hours, view_ticket_list.time_spent_days,
view_ticket_list.time_value, view_ticket_list.materials_value,
FROM view_ticket_list
WHERE month(view_ticket_list.datestamp) = month(getdate())

Find out more on Target Helpdesk’s powerful reporting

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Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software version

– Support for custom email recipients on system email templates
– fix ticket summary refresh (was clearing the current view cache instead of the deleted cache)
– Added Team Tickets view to desktop
– Team tickets view and team ticket summary db optimisation with recently updated and sent-items functionality
– Online 2.2012.2.9 added ticket-stats-chart-data service for google image chart generation
– migrated ticket add and update operations to transaction packages for performance improvements
– revised check on canned email template prompt on saving ticket
– resolved issue of ticket summary list not refreshing following reassignment to another person or a queue that the user is not a member of
– ticket/contact/lookup rows are called via sp and cached for 3 seconds to avoid repeat calls
– dashboard stats refresh only refreshes changed items
– moved dashboard refresh query code to the database server as a stored proc
– fixed ticket summary page refresh for “all-my-tickets” where no id so failed to refresh
– preferences for dashboard refresh frequency increased to a max of every 1 min
– added performance auditing for post-ticket save event (dashboard and tab refresh processing)
– protects ticket summary from bad category configuration when setting up category context menu
– added performance auditing for ticket load/add/update/search
– added db tuning level 1 (for desktop benefit), level 2 (for service benefit) and level 3 (for global dashboards to benefit)


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Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software version

– rewritten csv import as odbc driver not compatible on Windows 7

– fixed some anomolies with summary list refreshes (e.g. open list did not remove an entry when status had changed via main ticket screen)

– added category change on right-click at summary screen for quick categorisation of tickets- revised ticket summary refresh for optimisation on refresh request or following (context menu) update

– desktop takes account of client web sessions when checking user login session availability


– Online 2.2011.11.1 kb app available

– Online 2.2011.9.1 added category display and selection update on ticket summary page for fast ticket categorisation

– Online 2.2011.6.3 enabled direct access to ticket from url after login

– Online 2.2011.6.2 beta release includes enhanced styling, fyi, client and organisation ticket list





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Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software version

– MARS enabled database connection for Multiple Active Result Sets (SQL 2005+)
– session type captured in session manager to distinguish between desktop and web sessions
– web portal 2 base level includes whos online

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Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software version

– fixed IMAP processing inbound email issue – was not able to read Cc on email properly (Service:
– Compiled to support wider CPU compabitibility
– Remove all attachments option on send email
– SLA notes has increased from 500 chars to 4000 chars
– improved object management for avoiding memory leaks in central data cache and ticket management
– improved object management for avoiding memory leaks on bulk AD imports fix
– Added email template auto-grouping based on (user) usage
– Added auto cleanup option with auto-close of stale tickets option in Maintenance | Options | General so outstanding tickets with no activity after a set period can be closed off
– [deprecated custom field series setup]


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TargetHelpdesk Online – Intro information

TargetHelpdesk Online Supports the following primary functions
* Helpdesk operators
* Client Access
* Surveys
* XML Gateway

TargetHelpdesk Online is cross-browser compatible and tested on the follow browsers
* Google Chrome
* Safari
* FireFox
* Opera
* Internet Explorer

Toolbar buttons
* "Last Viewed" provides a history of the last 10 tickets viewed
* "next-ticket" brings up the next outstanding ticket assigned to you or a team that you are a member of

Ticket View Control Panel
* "Recent Tickets" provides a view of tickets recently logged
* "My Tickets" provides a view of tickets assigned to you
* "Team Tickets" provides a view of tickets assigned to teams that you are a member of
* "Recent Contacts" provides a view of the last 10 client contacts to have logged tickets
* "All Tickets" provides a view of all tickets in the helpdesk

* The summary screen chart displays a breakdown of tickets according to the loaded view e.g. by status
* The ticket detail page displays a chart representing the time remaining for follow-up and resolution of the current ticket

Ticket Summary Results
Each result provides a link to the relevant ticket, a notes excerpt, ticket properties and a time indicator bar
* The icons prefixing the ticket title represent the ticket status/priority/category/origin where icons are available
* The ticket title provides a link to view the full ticket page
* An excerpt of the latest note is shown below the title
* The time bar indicator shows 2 bars representing the response and resolution time remaining - green indicates time left, red indicates the time has lapsed
* Ticket properties displayed are the requestor, requestor organisation, status, priority and assignee. Click the requestor and requestor organisation for quick lookup of contact details. Click status, priority, assignee to instantly update the value
* Quick access icons are included in each results which are Notes, Edit and Send Email. Click on the notes bubble icon to view the full notes of the ticket, Edit to edit the ticket and Send Email to use the send email facility

Ticket Detail
* Use the "swipe" dots to view further details of the ticket. Ticket details can show notes, ticket properties and ticket dates.
* Use the attachments link to add or review attachements for the ticket
* USe the "Save" button when finished editing ticket data.

Hints and Tips
* Use the Apple-style "swipe" dots to reveal additional content or options
* Right-click and "open link in new tab" to view multiple tickets across tabs within the browser
* Use the icon at the end of a ticket title on summary results to open the link in a new tab
* Hover over a ticket summary result to obtain logged/response/resolution date and time gauges
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Target Helpdesk Software Update – (Change Control Release)

Software version

– Email templates by SLA – so admins can now setup SLA-specific systematic email templates according to SLA (within SLA maintenance)
– added support for IMAP email over SSL
– redesigned stats by date processing to improve efficiency of resources used on large volume databases
– adjusted earlier upgrade default cache setting from 30 days data dashboard snapshot to 180 days

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Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software version

 – improved internal data management with dynamic loading of contacts/assets/kb – load on demand
 – menu on the send email button was overloading the event handler which sometimes caused the send email button became unresponsive so we have removed the dynamic menu from the “send email” button and implemented a “remember last template used”

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