New Report – Service Level Response Analysis

Ok, we just developed a very powerful response analysis report to add to the existing suite of Target Helpdesk reports. This is another report that gives you a straightforward answer as to how your helpdesk is performing.

Basically, it tells you how fast or slow;) you are responding to requests. It even checks back against the pertinent service level agreement for each ticket to see if you have achieved or breached your response this target.

At the end of the report you get the usual summarised results such as performance breakdown (numbers and percentages).

At the moment, we have developed the report to pivot on company (Client-organisation). As soon as the report is perfected and has gone through design tidy-up and QA, we will replicate the report so you can run by status, category, service agreement, helpdesk assignee, asset, priority, and even client contact.

No doubt this report will become a regular one to run, daily, weekly and monthly. Not sure how we managed without it to now!

About targethelpdesk

Matt Allen founded Target Helpdesk Software Ltd and it was Matt who also developed the company's flagship product Target Helpdesk.
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