LiveSearch, LiveFilter and now LiveReports!

Target Helpdesk places great emphasis on both the helpdesk operators and helpdesk manager. To that end the addition of LiveReports will be an added bonus for the helpdesk manager or business owner.

LiveReports lets you design your own dashboard using pre-configured “LiveReportlets”. You can refresh all your LiveReports on-screen live. You can choose to view each LiveReport data as either a chart or data grid. Each LiveReport can be printed, emailed, exported or even scheduled to be sent by email to anyone you choose periodically.

Emailing the current output of a LiveReport can instantly inform a client, a colleague or your team of the top 10 outstanding calls, the current workload or a statistical analysis of helpdesk activity.

Adding a LIveReport to your scheduled reports list means yourself, your team or even clients can receive a report as either a chart or data grid whenever you want without having to do anything more. Scheduled reports are a powerful way of staying informed about key statistics and helpdesk activity.

The reporting options on your LiveReports board are endless especially when you consider Target Helpdesk Software offer a service to create customised LiveReport definitions that can be added to your LiveReport board immediately.

LiveReports will be available as part of the Version 3 release on 1 August 2008


LiveSearch is a feature of Target Helpdesk that allows operators to quickly find tickets, assets and knowledgebase articles. Target Helpdesk server works in the background indexing all information so that when you need to locate an item, Target Helpdesk gives you instant results as-you-type.

LiveFilter is another productivity enhancing feature of Target Helpdesk that helps operators quickly and easily filter entries within lists. When faced with a list of tickets, a list of end-users or a list of assets, LiveFilter lets you simply type your filtering keywords to reduce long lists to a relevant manageable size. Perhaps of all the entries in your “Open” ticket list, you just want to see those logged “today” and quickly then see all those logged “yesterday”. Perhaps you want to quickly see any other tickets for a particular client or category. LiveFilter lets you limit results real-time, Live!

For more information regarding Target Helpdesk features, click here

About targethelpdesk

Matt Allen founded Target Helpdesk Software Ltd and it was Matt who also developed the company's flagship product Target Helpdesk.
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