Email Instructions – Feature Hint

Instructions in an email

Instructions in an email

Not every feature Target Helpdesk Software develop is well publicised or sold. One such feature is “Email instructions” which are commands you can send by email to control the state of a request in the system.

So, as well as your clients being able to email your support mail account and Target Helpdesk conveniently converting that email to a request in the system routed through to a tech according to the workflow you have setup, techs can also send commands by email to update those requests.

Obviously, a tech can reply to an alert in order to update the notes of an incident. What we have used internally at Target Helpdesk Software for convenience when using a mobile device, is to send a command such as “Assignee:Shirley” to reassign a request to Shirley or “Status:Closed” to close an incident. A useful one is to log time on a request which can be done simply by saying “Time:1 hour” to log an hour of time for myself against a request.

Whenever Target Helpdesk recognises an email instruction, it parses the command whilst recording the email against the request. Some commands such as the time logging can optionally have narrative on the second line to record in your timesheet what the activity was.

Using email instructions is great for conveniently updating requests from your desktop or mobile device when not at your desk and also great for achieving those response targets when mobile.

Take a look at the help here for more on Target Helpdesk Email Instructions.

About targethelpdesk

Matt Allen founded Target Helpdesk Software Ltd and it was Matt who also developed the company's flagship product Target Helpdesk.
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