Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software Version
 – crm mailer now incorporates livereport designer for “livequery” so you can email a list, for example, everyone who has logged a call in the last 10 days that is hardware related
 – added user-level option to permission individual operators access to view all calendars
 – increased time for processing stats by Target Helpdesk Service to ensure stats processing completes under heavy load
 – web portal left-hand button bar now includes scroll bar within panel for when there are many items eg. status entries to display
 – added print date to full ticket report
 – calendar always defaulted to Sep 2008, corrected this to default to today’s date
 – when all status for a client web user are set to private, the “all my tickets” option now also disappears to avoid confusion
 – requestor alerts can now be automatically cc’d or bcc’d to an organisation unit administrator – just indicate in the email template using the new dropdown and it will cc or bcc using the organisation email address
 – added delete button to LiveReport designer so existing custom livereports can be deleted when no longer required
 – made PingBox persist across sessions

About targethelpdesk

Matt Allen founded Target Helpdesk Software Ltd and it was Matt who also developed the company's flagship product Target Helpdesk.
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