Target Helpdesk Software Update –

Software version

– (enhancement) Send email facility now provides the ability to selectively choose ticket attachments to add to the email as an attachment. The ticket attachments are shown in a list (most recent first) on the attach button menu.

– (enhancement) currency symbol setting in Maintenance | Options | Time & Materials – used for time value display within the system

– (enhancement) Data Administrator role allows a user to be assigned either an Operator role or Administrator role but have the data maintenance give access to client and organisation maintenance.

– (compatibility) wired up client contact and client organisation csv import to the same as asset csv import; this makes it independent of odbc which is not available by default on Windows 7

– (extend) LDAP URL box has been changed to accommodate double the amount of LDAP url data. Previously the box would accept up to 32k of data, this has been doubled to 64k of data

– (fix) windows service was trying to generate emails for a few requests residing in the system but based on templates that had been deleted and repeatedly tried to do so; one first issue the attempt is suppressed

– (fix) issue clearing SLA from category

– (performance) system tray monitoring uses revised data access for obtaining and flagging sys tray notifications

About targethelpdesk

Matt Allen founded Target Helpdesk Software Ltd and it was Matt who also developed the company's flagship product Target Helpdesk.
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